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Skogsby, the secret garden.
The&nbsp; Picture is taken in &quot;The secret garden&quot; in july 2018. The garden is run by two Brothers as a gift from their father. Its not marked on any map and the owner want it to stay so.
Viveza Rosencrantz
Vieta: Skogsby, the secret garden. (SWEDEN)
Data pasirinkta: 20 July 2018
Aprašymas: The  Picture is taken in "The secret garden" in july 2018. The garden is run by two Brothers as a gift from their father. Its not marked on any map and the owner want it to stay so.
Raktiniai žodžiai: Traditions
Erdvinė informacija: Rodyti žemėlapį
Platuma(WGS84): 56° 63' 0,00"
Ilgumas (WGS84): 16° 52' 0,00"
Regėjimo laukas: SW (225°)
Parsisiųsti: _J6A1097.JPG
[Pilnos rezoliucijos peržiūra]  [Parsisiųsti]
Resoliucija: 6720 x 4480 Pixel
Dydis: 7.448.640 Bytes
Autorinės teisės: Viveza Rosencrantz
Naudojimo sąlygos: The image shall fully comply with the copyright of the author. According to the "Creative Commons directives" (Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike conditions) it can be freely used for non-profit purposes, without limitation, for publications in scientific work and research and teaching worldwide. The use for commercial and advertising purposes is prohibited without permission from copyright owner.
Kontaktai: Viveca Rosencrantz
El. paštas: vrz@fojab.se