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Beijershamn, Mörbylånga
This is a bit of the old forest along the west coast of &Ouml;lad and the World Heritage: The Agricultural Landscape of Southern &Ouml;land.

Eva Åkerstedt
Vieta: Beijershamn, Mörbylånga (SWEDEN)
Data pasirinkta: 23 October 2008
Aprašymas: This is a bit of the old forest along the west coast of Ölad and the World Heritage: The Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland.
Erdvinė informacija: Rodyti žemėlapį
Platuma(WGS84): 56° 35' 55,30"
Ilgumas (WGS84): 16° 25' 16,02"
Regėjimo laukas: S (180°)
Parsisiųsti: 23102008-101_4095.jpg
[Pilnos rezoliucijos peržiūra]  [Parsisiųsti]
Resoliucija: 3648 x 2736 Pixel
Dydis: 6.275.584 Bytes
Autorinės teisės: Eva Åkerstedt
Naudojimo sąlygos: The image shall fully comply with the copyright of the author. According to the "Creative Commons directives" (Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike conditions) it can be freely used for non-profit purposes, without limitation, for publications in scientific work and research and teaching worldwide. The use for commercial and advertising purposes is prohibited without permission from copyright owner.
Kontaktai: Eva Åkerstedt
El. paštas: akerstedt.eva@gmail.com
Internetinis puslapis: www.olandsnatur.com